Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New York?

Deciding to major in English is not career suicide, but it's a major leap into the unknown concerning jobs, companies, and salaries. I'm encroaching on my junior year at BYU, and I have some options that I've been considering:

1. Try to get a local job in Utah right out of graduation (not necessarily in publishing, which is the career dream) until Neal graduates, and then see what happens.
2. Apply to BYU for an English MA in a couple years, and then apply for jobs afterward, hoping that Neal's done with his degree by then.
3. Acknowledge that I might need some marketable skills, so apply for something like the law school, spend 3 years there, and then apply for jobs.

Of all of these, I'm the most hesitant about number 1. There aren't a lot of publishing jobs around here, and I don't want to do much more receptionist work in the meantime while I could be still going to college around when Neal is. I guess the main problem is that on-campus jobs kick you out when you graduate. Sigh.

But even with getting more degrees here, there's the issue that most of the jobs I want are in New York. Dirty, crowded, scary, big-city New York. But as soon as I consider living there, I feel so much more comfortable about my potential job market.

So, no conclusions yet, but several possible outlines.

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